Marylou Webb

Marylou Webb



Marylou Webb - Yoga

[email protected]

Yoga Alliance 

Yoga Unity

Yoga Instructor

 (E-RYT 500)

Continuing Education Credit Workshop

Recognized Through Yoga Alliance (YACEP)

Registered Yoga School

Recognized Through Yoga Alliance 500 Hours (RYS 500) 

 Yoga Unify 

I am a Founding Member 

I am currently on four Advisory Committee's through Yoga Alliance.

Members Benefits Committee

Schools and Studio Advisory Group

Standards Committee Advisory Group

I am and have been Yoga Ambassador to numerous companies

Classes Offered

Magical Moon Yoga Flow


Hatha Yoga

Restorative Yoga

Beginner Yoga

Meditation (Walking, Standing & Sitting)

Drum Circles

Sound Baths

Chakra Balancing 

Aura Clearing 

Crystal Healing 

Reiki Healing 




 Yoga Teacher Training

200, 300 and 500 Hour

** The ONLY donation based Yoga Teacher Training Program **

Groups and Privates

My workshops offer Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Credit

These workshops center around  building self-esteem, self-worth and providing the tools to make informed decisions, to avoid destructive relationships and be strong, courageous women. 


Reiki Level l Training and Attunement 

Reiki Level ll Training and Attunement 

Reiki Master Training and Attunement  

Learn how to use your own energy to heal yourself and others.

Teaching Yoga to Trauma Survivors ©

(Formerly Teaching Yoga to Domestic Abuse Victims ©)

*This workshop will give you the tools:

To offer a safe environment

To heal

To shift from compassion to empowerment

Recognize reason for not always being present

Create healing groups

Create practices which lead to recovering their voices, self-love, forgiveness, self-worth, and self-image. 

*You will learn:

How to create a safe, sacred, loving and healing space

Recognize unresolved trauma symptoms

Use yoga to provide tools for healing

Learn how to work with women struggling

Learn how to work collaboratively with the class

Online or in person

Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Credit Approved

  Creating a Positive Self Image

*This will give you the tools:

To create a positive image

Understand and help others to understand society's and the medias role in how we see ourselves

Learn to love yourself

Discover and work on your self esteem, self respect, self image, self worth and self love

*You will learn:Learn how to create a positive self image through meditation and yoga

Learn how society and the media instill harmful self images

Learn how to gain a healthy self-image

Learn how to help others with their self-image

Learn how yoga helps

Learn how to recognize symptoms of unresolved trauma

Online or in person

Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Credit Approved

Rebirthing Meditation

During this meditation, you will be guided to visualize your birth/rebirth.

Very intense and releasing.

Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Approved

Yoga Therapy

Work through past traumas

YogaTherapy and Meditation are used to deal with, understand and come to terms with our past, present and future selves.

Online or in person

Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Credit Approved

Finding Your Animal Spirit/Totem  Through Guided Meditation ©

Uncover, find and meet your animal spirit/totem, while being guided through meditation.

You will embark on a journey while you visualize your surroundings.

Your spirit animal/totem is waiting to meet you. 

We will find, meet, greet and get to know our spirit animal.

Discussion follows

Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Credit Approved

   Discovering Your Past Lives Through Guided Meditation ©

We have many past lives.

This workshop will help you visualize, see, learn about and understand them

Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Credit Approved

  Aura Clearing & Chakra Balancing

Learn techniques on how to bring balance.

Learn about Auras and Chakras

Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Credit Approved

   Crystal Healing

Learn how to heal yourself and others with crystals

Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Credit Approved    

Full Moon Yoga

Learn about the different phases of the moon and how to work your practice with it

Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Credit Approved

Chakra Balancing

You will unblock your chakras and any and all cords that you are holding inside.

Trauma creates cords, which need to be removed.

Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Credit Approved  

Understanding Karma

Ever wonder what Karma really is or what really happens?

You will learn and be able to understand what Karma really is and does

Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Credit Approved

  Understanding Chakras

Learn all about the seven main Chakras.

Learn how to unblock them and learn what blocks them.

Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Credit Approved  

Our Inner Goddess

A Women's Group

Through chanting, meditation, pranayama, drumming and asanas you will learn about the Goddess inside you.

Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Credit Approved

Dream Interpretation

We will discuss creating a dream journal.

We will work through your past dreams and analyze them and their meaning.

You will learn the importance of journaling.

Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Credit Approved

Past Life Readings

Through guided meditation we will discover our past lives.

Discussion follows..

Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Credit Approved

   Energy and Chakra Healing

Through yoga, meditation, sound therapy, crystals, and pranayama you will discover how to grab onto the energy you possess.

You will learn about the seven main Chakras and learn which asanas are best for each Chakra.

Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Credit Approved

History of Yoga

Yoga - Sacred Texts

Eating Disorder Support Program

PTSD Trauma Program


I am and have been Ambassador to numerous companies:

Shaman Sisters

Tiny Devotions

Harem Pants



Be Present

Yoga Paws

Jade Yoga Mats


Cozy Orange

Om Pillows

Wear Peace

Bali Malas

Buddah Pants


Yoga Alliance Standard's Committee -

Advisory Group

Yoga Alliance Member Benefits Committee -

Advisory Group

Yoga Alliance Schools and Studios Committee - Advisory Group

Yoga Alliance Community Service Award - Judge

Published Articles

Elephant Journal

Bad Yogi

Yoga Magazine

Ms Magazine

Also Numerous Books